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Highlights from Year 6
What a busy first half term for Year 6! We have written biographies and narratives, deepened our understanding of place value and covered a range of topics in the wider curriculum. Our biographies on William Shakespeare included a range of complex and compound sentences.
Well done to our House Captains and School Councillors who have started the year by leading assemblies and attending their first meetings respectively. Here are our House Captains: Robyn-May, Guneeth, Julia, Siann, Elysia, Filip, Khawlah and Mateo. Eliana and Khadijah are our Year 6 School Councillors. The House Captains have taken responsibility for our new play equipment and set up for assemblies regularly. They also interviewed our CEO, Cathie Paine (more on this later in the Ranikhet Review!).
In Science, we have conducted many experiments to deepen our understanding of light. We can explain how light travels and how opaque objects block light, causing a shadow. We used all of this knowledge to prove that objects reflect light. In geography, we looked at North America. The children have compared climates, and physical and human features. We all agreed that we would love to visit some of these fantastic landmarks!
We have also been busy online. Year 6 have started using SchoolOnline and enjoy mentoring sessions with the Year 11 pupils from Reading School. Please ask if you need your child’s SchoolOnline log in details.
Finally, Year 6 had a fantastic time completing their Colour Run. We were covered in a rainbow of colours! We also had a special day on World Mental Health Day, wearing yellow. We talked about different emotions you might feel and what might make us feel that way. We had lots of ideas about what makes us feel positive, calm and happy!