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Highlights from Year 2
It’s been a great first term in Year 2. We have already said goodbye to three children, but we have welcomed four new children into our class who have fitted straight in. It’s been busy settling back into routines and expectations as well as covering a whole heap of new learning.
We have started our Little Wandle Phonics scheme this half term and Miss Hoke has been blown away with how well the children have adapted to whole class sessions. Their ability to segment and blend is improving all the time. The children have also enjoyed reading their phonics books online. Please ensure your child logs on and tries to read every day.
As our class name is Jeffers, we looked at writing a biography about our class author Oliver Jeffers. We have read some of his books and learnt all about where he was born, where he studied and also some interesting facts. The children then used this information to create their own biography on him. Our main focus was on using capital letters and full stops in the correct places.
We then moved on to writing a story. After creating amazing actions for our text map of Little Red Riding Hood we focused on adjectives and why we use these in our story. We discussed how we want to create a picture in the reader’s mind. We then challenged ourselves to see if we could turn our adjectives into expanded noun phases to add further detail.
This half term in maths we have been focusing on place value. We have used base 10 to show how many 10s and 1s there are in a two-digit number. We have also explored using the whole part model to partition numbers in different ways. Recently we have looked at how to compare different numbers using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. Please continue to practice number fluency at home as well as telling the time. Practice makes perfect!
We have been exploring London this half term. We began by reminding ourselves of the continents of the world and about the countries and capitals of the UK. We were intrigued to find out all about the London landmarks and lots of us saw these on the television recently. Finally, we learnt all about a compass rose and about the geographical features of London.
Our focus religion this half term was Judaism. Last year we learnt that the Jewish special book is the Torah. We developed our learning further this year by looking at the Jewish sabbath, in particular the Shabbat meals and what traditions and rituals are followed. We really enjoyed having our own version of the Shabbat meal and spent some quality time together.
Message from Miss Hoke
All the children are settling into new routines and expectations. As a class we have been working on our behaviours for learning and making sure we are ready and respectful to earn house points and hole punches. Please discuss this at home with your child. A reminder that children should be reading every day, and this should be recorded in their reading record. Year 2 PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays. PE kit to be brought into school on a Monday and will be taken home on a Friday.