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Highlights from Year 1
What a fantastic first term in Year 1. We have all settled well into the new class and routines we have also welcomed new children to our Ranikhet Family. The children have become Scientist and researchers alongside all their other learning. The children became a rainbow of colour when they participated in the colour run.
First, we wrote a fact file about ourselves to get to know each other and we are now writing part of a story. The children have learnt lots of new skills to expand their knowledge of writing. They have learnt about sentence structure and the grammar that is needed, the children have also explored adjectives and have begun to use these in their writing. For our story the children have been helping to write our own version of Were Going on a Bear Hunt. We have decided to change what we are looking for and have set off on a bug hunt. The children have used their new knowledge of adjectives to describe the final bug... a spider.
In Maths the children have focused on place value and the different ways that you can talk about numbers and an amount. The children have become experts at using words like greater than and less than. The children have used practical objects to support their learning.
In Science the children have been introduced to their topic animals, including humans. The children have been learning about how animals are grouped differently, identify their features, and learn the names of common UK animals.
In Art we have been learning about Picasso and the work that he does as an artist. We found out that Picasso learnt from other artist, and we have learnt about the different techniques that he used. The class also found out that we painted according to his feeling, he had a blue period when he was sad and then a rose period when he began to be happier again. We have really enjoyed making our self-portraits in his style.
In RE we have been looking at the different books that are special to Christians, Jews and Muslims. The class have enjoyed sharing their own personal knowledge about the Christian Bible and the Qur’an. We found it interesting to see all the different special books and find out how they were first written. The Torah is handwritten and if Sofer makes a mistake then we will need to start all over again.
In PSHE we have been looking at learning about the 5 keys and how they can help us develop physically and mentally. The children have looked inside themselves, thought about moving outside, thought about how to share more, to be curious and to be kind. The children really enjoyed moving outside and playing stuck in the mud - a non-competitive way to encourage physical activity.
Finally, I would like to thank the families with their continued support.