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Highlights from Reception
This term we have been learning about ourselves and our family. The children have been talking about who is in their family. The children have made beautiful portraits using a range of materials. We also looked at our houses and what type of house we live in. The children talked about the different rooms and what they were used for.
This week, the children enjoyed learning the story ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. We have been thinking of words to describe the feelings of the owl throughout the story. It was lovely to share our story with our parents for our Play and Stay session.
In maths we have focused on counting, representing numbers using finger and other resources. We have been adding one more to a given amount and making our own number stories.
In PSHE, we have been exploring our feelings and emotions. We have been talking about things that make us happy, sad and angry. We are currently creating a self-regulation area in our classroom.
The children have made a tremendous start with phonics and blending, and I am very proud of their efforts this term.
We had lots of fun outdoors, playing with our Year 6 buddies and going on bug hunts. We have been learning how to play games such as Tag, Duck, Duck Goose and What’s the Time Mr. Wolf.