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Highlights from Year 4
We have shared so many great adventures this year. I feel privileged that I was given another year teaching our Year 4 children. We have covered a great range of topics and it has been fabulous to see the engagement of learning our children have given. We are all wonderful explorers; I am excited to read more of what they will be up to when they go to Year 5. I have enjoyed every challenge and most of all getting to know all of you. All the best for your new adventure. Always remember to show your best version! I am looking forward to catching up with you at break and lunch. Best of Luck Year 4.
In writing, we looked at various types of texts and explored their features to write good examples for our write up. We looked at non-chronological reports and a recount of our trip to the local woods. Year 4 wrote excellent non-chronological reports and were able to use subheadings, 3rd person writing, fact boxes, and technical vocabulary to write their reports about their favourite animals. After we went on a trip to our local woods, Year 4 also wrote an excellent diary entry. They were able to use good features like 1st person writing and time conjunctions to layout their order of events. Well done Year 4!
In Maths, we continued practicing our multiplication facts for our MTC assessment. I am pleased to say that there were loads of progress in our multiplication recall and our good results were proof of all their hard work. We also enjoyed playing some board games to help build instant recall and problem- solving skills. Year 4 love maths!
Year 4 worked scientifically this term. We investigated different ways to draw electricity from different components. First, we assembled an electrical circuit and then changed the batteries for potatoes to see if it would still work. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed practicing their prediction and observation skills, and having a go at putting their potato clock together.
We have really enjoyed our music unit this term. We have learned the song ‘Lean On Me’ from Bill Withers and focused on the beat and the rhythm of the song. We took part in a range of activities to explore the beat. We used bean bags, stomped our feet and clapped our hands on the beat, this proved to be very tricky, but Year 4 showed great engagement and were able to follow instructions well.
Year 4 loved exploring our local woods in Woodhill Copse. Everyone had a lovely time, looking for different leaves, swinging on tyres, walking on logs, learning about our environment, picking up trash along the way and learning how to look after our local community.
Have a great summer, Year 4.