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Highlights from Year 3
Year 3 have had a wonderful last half term, we can’t believe the year is over!
In maths we have explored multiplication and division, we have mastered the grid method for multiplication and had a good go at the bus stop method for division. We have also looked more at 2D shapes and perimeter. We have reminded ourselves of the names of 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-sided shapes and compared different polygons. We have then drawn a selection of different shapes and calculated their perimeter. We were even able to make the most of the nice weather and do some of our learning on the playground!
We have been working on our DT topic, ‘ready to pop’, this term and have had great fun and success with designing and creating our own pop-up books.
We first spent time looking at a range of pop-up books and found designs we liked. We talked about what we liked about them and what we wanted to include in our own. We then learnt about different pop out mechanisms and used a range of these in our creations. A number of children were happy to help their fellow classmates and it was lovely to see how the class worked together to complete the task.
As a special treat, Year 3 were able to ‘test run’ the new resources for DT and had a turn at playing with the marble runs and eclectic buzzers. They all enjoyed this very much and are now very much looking forward to their future DT topics!
In Writing, we started the term looking again at news reports. As we are reading ‘Charlotte’s Webb’ in our reading lessons we decided to write a news report to save Wilbur! We focused on noun phrases, emotional language, and the pattern of three to write some heart wrenching reports. We then moved onto playscripts, where we have spent time reading and acting out different playscripts and exploring their different features.
It has been a pleasure to teach Year 3 this year and I wish them every success for Year 4!