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Highlights from Year 1
Our art topic this term was called: Manipulative Magic. We learnt about an artist called William de Morgan who has been best known for his decorative tiles and how through experimenting he discovered how to make a glaze. The children explored the clay similar to the clay William de Morgan would have used. Then the children researched his tiles and chose a design that they liked and they talked about why they liked it. From this they designed their own tiles which they then created in clay and decorated.
The children have been exploring their imagination by thinking outside the box. They have been given part of picture and told what it is not. The children needed to think about what it could be. The children had some great ideas.
In maths the children were introduced to multiplication and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children learnt songs to help support their learning and we played games to reinforce their understanding.
We also learnt about how to spilt a whole shape into halves and quarters. We found out that to halve something it needs to be split into 2 parts whereas to quarter something it needs to be split in to 4 parts.
The children and I have found history fascinating this term! In history we have been looking at things that are in our living memory. We looked at the differences between the seaside now and 100 years ago. The children were surprised with some of the differences and similarities between then and now. The children were surprised to find that 100 years ago only rich people could go to the seaside and that when they went they wore suits and full-length dresses. The children were happy that 100 years ago they had ice cream at the beach like us but they didn’t like the idea of the jellied eels. The children really enjoyed talking about their own experiences, what they wear to the beach now, how they play and the different things that they have seen.
In PSHE this term the children have learnt about economics. We have found out what this means. The children have explored the different way that you can use money and which is the best way to pay for thing. Such as; is it better be pay for an apple using coins or a bank card? The children have explored the different ways that you earn money and talked about the different jobs that they would do as they grew up. The children have discussed the importance of money and how we need to save as well as spend it.
Year 1 have had an amazing year with many learning opportunities. I would just like the thank the children and parents for a fantastic year together. I have loved every minute seeing these young faces grow and develop.