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Highlights from Nursery
This term our topic is ‘Beware! Pirates!’ We have enjoyed learning all about the life of a pirate! We were introduced to pirate words and phrases and read books together about pirates and learned a few fun pirate songs!
Nursery also had fun role playing as Pirates. We made our own pirate ship out of large cardboard boxes and added the Jolly Roger Flag to the helm in our indoor role play area. We built a pirate ship outside using our large wooden blocks and planks. We played a version of 'What’s the Time Mr Wolf' but changed it to 'What’s the Time Mr Shark'.
We made our own treasure maps, with Xs to mark the spot, and labelled key landmarks to help find the treasure. We used positional language to hunt for treasure with friends, sharing and working together! We also made notes in bottles to float in a tuff tray. We counted treasure and shared it out with our friends and discussed who had more, less or the same of the loot.
In Understanding the World, we looked at things that float and sink. We have experimented with different objects to see if they would float or sink and have looked at properties of sand and how it behaves when wet and dry. We have looked at where pirates travel and looked at oceans on a globe or in an atlas.
It’s been a fun packed Summer Term and we are ready for the holidays! Have a fun summer everyone! See you again soon!