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Highlights from Year 6
This term Year 6 have shown their resilience and focus for the SATs. All of their hard work culminated in them showing their best versions and trying their best in every single test. All of the children came to school early and prepared themselves with a healthy breakfast. We are all so proud of them. Thank you to all the Year 6 children for their hard work and to you for your support.
This half term we have also enjoyed going swimming. It is great to see all of the children growing in confidence in the water. Each group has had a chance to work in the deeper end of the pool and jump in. We will continue to go swimming every Friday morning. The children also enjoyed using the apparatus and ropes in the hall during their PE lessons. They were keen to try out challenges on the apparatus.
We have also begun to look at evolution in Science. We have started by looking at characteristics that we have inherited from our parents and characteristics that animals have inherited. Animals inherit characteristics that help them to survive, they are advantageous.
In the last few weeks, we have been focusing on writing. The children have read Holes by Louis Sachar and are writing from the main character Stanley’s point of view. They have included lots of ambitious vocabulary and different sentence types. We’re now reading The London Eye Mystery and we are keen to find out what happened to Salim.
Every Friday the Year 6 children have continued to sell sweets and icelollies. They have raised lots of money for the school. Thank you for your support every week! Some weeks there is also the Parent Book Swap trolley. Please come over and take a book!
This half term we have started to discuss transition. Next half term, we will be doing lots of activities to celebrate the end of the year and to also prepare the children for secondary school – watch this space for more news!
Guinea pig champions
The guinea pigs have grown a lot in the last month. Every morning, we give them new water and food (some vegetables); we also look after them. Snow and Patch are sometimes a handful but they are getting better. The two guinea pigs are very sweet and we enjoy having them in this school.
House captains
The house captains have had a busy half term! We have had SATs, which were tiring but thankfully they are over. We’ve also enjoyed setting up for special assemblies where visitors have come to educate us about feeling good. We have learnt about how to improve our sleep, resilience and happy hormones. The visitors showed us how different activities we do, give us different types of hormones that make us feel happy. We are so lucky to have this opportunity for learning.