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Highlights from Year 2
Year 2 has been in full swing this half term. We have covered lots of new learning and have been getting ready for their End of Key Stage 1 assessments.
In English we worked to create poems as well as postcard. To begin with we looked at Pie Corbett's poem ‘ A recipe to make a wolf’. We created actions and a text map to help us remember it. We then created our own poems using metaphors and alliteration. Finally, we learnt how we should perform our poems and read them aloud to the class.
We were delivered lots of postcards from staff telling us all about the different places they have travelled and what they are like there. We used these as a model to write our own postcards from Australia. We learnt how postcards use an informal tone and often use contractions.
We have covered many different topics in maths this half term. We began by measuring capacity and volume in ml and had fun playing with the water. We went on to focus on position and direction. The children loved playing the left and right game. They all made a maze for their friends to follow and used vocabulary such as right, left, anti-clockwise, clockwise, half turn and full turn. As well as all of these things, the children have also be working on practicing their times tables.
Science has been fun this half term as we have been exploring the uses of different materials and why they are suitable for a particular job. We experimented with three different materials and explored how they changed if we squash, twist, squeeze, bend, or stretch them. We found out that some materials don’t change at all.
Year 2 have enjoyed learning about Muslim celebrations in RE this half term. We have lots of children that follow the Islam faith and they have enjoyed sharing their experiences with the class. We began this topic by thinking about all the different celebrations we know and what we each celebrate. We then went on to learn about the difference between Eid-al-Fitr and Eid -al- Adha. Mrs Tahir was a great help in sharing her experience of fasting and what this means during Ramadan.
We went on Ranikhet Airways and landed in Australia. We have explored all the different states and territories and are very good at remembering all 8 using the atlas for help. We deepened our understanding of weather and climate and how these differ from place to place. We compared Darwin in the Northern Territory, where it is hot all year round, with Hobart in Tasmania where it can be warm but also sometimes snow. Most of us decided we would like to live in Darwin but also discussed how important sun cream would be there.
Hola! Como estas.
In Spanish year 2 have been learning all about different animals. We are very lucky to have two children who speak Spanish and have been helping all the class with the pronunciation. We have learnt through songs as well as playing games; it has been great fun.
A note from Miss Hoke
I would like to say a huge well done to all of the Year 2 children. They have worked incredibly hard to get ready for their end of Key Stage assessments. They have practiced every day at school as well as at home and have made all the staff very proud. You all deserve a good, relaxing break!