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Highlights from Year 1
This term in English the children have learnt about writing a diary. The children went on a school trip to the park which they then wrote about. The children had fantastic recall of their trip and produced some brilliant diary entries. They are working on how to write an explanation. We are planning to write this on an animal of their choice.
In maths the children have practiced a range of skills. We have looked at telling the time to the hour, as well have partitioning numbers into their values. The children have needed to look carefully at the number and see how many tens are in a number as well as how many ones are there. The children thoroughly enjoyed looking at 3D shapes and talking about the different properties. We challenged them to see who could build the biggest tower using only four shapes and which shapes would best suit this.
This term the children have been looking at objects that are special to their religion. They were asked to bring in objects that they use to worship and tell the children more information about them; for example how they are used and what they stand for.
This term our focus has been on caring for the wider world. We have thought about what we love about the world and how we need to care for those things. Following this we looked at the sea and how the animals can be affected by pollution that is left at the beach and in the sea. We thought about the different things that we can do to reduce this and made posters that can be put up to remind people to take their rubbish home. This lead the children to think about the different ways that we can recycle and the 3Rs: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.