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Highlights from Year 2
We have had another busy half term in Year 2 and all of the children have been working hard and trying to show the best version of themselves.
Our topic, 'We Are Photographers', has been super exciting. We linked our theme to our science topic plants. Firstly, we looked at pictures of plants and flowers and discussed them explaining why we liked a particular one. We used vocabulary such as zoomed in, blurred and in focus. We then went on to experiment with how to take pictures using the iPads and what the buttons do. Finally we took our own photos of flowers and thought carefully about the composition of the flowers and if we wanted to take a close up photo or not.
We have been exploring ways we can add and subtract quickly. We can use a number line to help us jump forwards or backwards in 10s and 1s. We have also been practicing mental methods to add and subtract 11. We found out it’s so easy because we can add or take away 10 and then just one more.
As well as this we have been deepening our understanding of 3D shapes. We have been looking at the faces and identifying what 2D shapes they have. We have also been exploring making patterns with shapes and trying to predict what the 10th shape will be.
In English, we have written detailed explanations of the life cycle of frogs and found out lots of interesting facts. Did you know that frogs can look sideways, forward and up all at the same time? We worked on including questions and adding commas to separate items in a list.
We have also been writing our own adventure stories based on our WAGOLL of Betty the Butterfly who gets stuck in a 'hoomin's' house. The children have thought carefully about expanding their sentences to make them interesting for the person reading their story.
This half term we have been learning all about the plants and Miss Höke was amazed at how much we knew already. We have carried out an experiment to see what environments plants need to grow. We all planted a sunflower seed in soil but some of us have placed them in different areas including the fridge, heater, outside, inside a dark cupboard and on our classroom windowsill. So far, we have concluded that the temperature in the fridge is too cold for the seed to germinate.
We have loved learning Spanish this half term. We now can ask you how you are, as well as answering this question ourselves. We have also learnt how to ask what your name is and say 'my name is...'.
Our topic 'Transport' has been so interesting this half term. The children have enjoyed learning about the invention of different types of transport and are able to recall some famous inventors. Did you know the first engine powered flight only lasted 12 seconds? The children couldn’t believe how much transport has changed over the decades.