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Highlights from Year 1
In English this term we have wrote some fantastic recounts about our trips to space. Rosen Class really enjoyed using their imagination to think about how they would need to get ready, what it would be like to travel into space and who they saw whilst on their trip.
After writing our recounts the class had a mystery visitor that came and looked at their work and wrote messages of positivity on their tables! This engaged the children in a new genre – newspaper writing. The children have really enjoyed learning about the different features of a newspaper and then learning the skills to write them. We are currently writing a news report on Neil Armstrong.
In Maths the children have been learning to count in 2s and 10, as well as measuring using rulers and metersticks. The children have really enjoyed moving round the classroom measuring and recording the data.
Our topic this term has been 'Everyday Materials'. The children have explored the different textures of materials and we have found out how they were made. The children were surprised that wool comes from a sheep and that cotton comes from a plant.
We conducted an experiment to investigate if a fabric is waterproof and would be able to be used for an umbrella. The children predicted which materials they thought they would be able to use. We then tested some of these materials to see if their predictions were right before writing up our findings.
This term our focus has been on caring for the wider world. We have thought about what we love about the world and how we need to care for those things. Following this we looked at the sea and how the animals can be affected by pollution that is left at the beach and in the sea. We thought about the different things that we can do to reduce this and made posters that can be put up to remind people to take their rubbish home. This lead the children to think about the different ways that we can recycle and the 3Rs: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.