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Highlights from Reception
This term we have been learning about growing and changing. The children started off the term by looking at their baby photos, talking about how they have changed from being a baby. Then we received an egg-citing parcel from Mother Hen asking us to look after her precious eggs. We watched the eggs hatch into soft fluffy chicks. The children have been drawing the life cycle of the hen and labelling the various stages. The children were interested in planting cress seeds to make their own egg and cress sandwiches. We are awaiting eagerly for their growth. The children discussed all the necessary things for plants to grow such as water and sunlight.
It has been pleasing to see so many children trying hard to become ‘Super Writers’ or 'Super Mathematicians’ this term. Have a look at their fabulous writing and maths work below.
This week we are focusing on Jack and the Beanstalk, and we have been exploring some unfamiliar words. We have tried our best to talk in sentences when answering questions. Assiyah said “Jack found a magnificent castle at the top of the beanstalk”. “The giant is bad tempered,” said Damon.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our learning on number facts to 5 and 10. We have used different methods to work this out by using the part, part whole method, using the tens frames, numicon and our fingers. The children have been using ‘nomics’ to write their own maths stories and talking about their work with their partners.
We had a fabulous time with our mums celebrating Mother’s Day with an afternoon tea party. It was wonderful to see so many of our special mums. A special thank you to all our mums for their support during this event.
As part of Science Week, the children have been looking at growth around us. We went on a spring hunt looking for spring treasures. See photos of what we found below. The children designed their own growth posters using a variety of resources.
In PSHE, we have been thinking about our dreams and goals. The children have been talking about things that we are good at doing and things that we want to do but have not yet tried. This week we talked about what we love about someone in our class for the amazing things they do. The children chose a friend in the class who they wanted to say something nice about and then they sent them a smile.