Year 6 Highlights

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7th Feb 2022

In maths, we have learnt about algebra and ratio – two new topics for Year 6! The children have done fantastically well in these units. In writing, I was extremely proud of the children’s final non- chronological reports all about volcanoes. The children thought carefully about what they were writing, their sentence structure and vocabulary, as well as how to present it.

In the wider curriculum, the children have learnt about extreme weathers and natural disasters around the world! We have had fantastic conversations about tornadoes, volcanoes and floods. The children produced stunning explanations of what causes an earthquake.

The Year 6 children have loved getting their Magic Breakfast bagel every morning. It is fantastic fuel for learning and a great start to the day!

Thank you for your ongoing support. It has been great to speak to lots of you before and after school each day. Please feel free to speak to me or you can email if you have any questions.