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Year 5 Highlights
This half term has been busy with lots of exciting things going on both inside and outside of school. We had our last residential to Ufton Court and all the children had an amazing time and discovered some new skills and overcame some fears to help prepare them for being successful within school and the wider world as well as setting goals and reflecting on what they had learnt and how this could help them in the future.
We have been studying the book Secrets of the Sun King. The children are loving the mystery and suspense of what might happen to the main character and the curse of the jar! We have been exploring new vocabulary and what it was like in the past before decimalisation and inside bathrooms!
In Mathematics, we have been learning all about fractions, equivalent, ordering and comparing using our knowledge of times table, fraction bar models and a colourful fraction wall. The children have grasped the idea of fraction families and which fractions are smaller or bigger.
In English, we were looking at persuasive writing and initially focused on an advert and what makes adverts persuasive. The children loved creating their own advert for trainers and ice cream, as well as acting a playscript for the trainers. Finally, we are writing a persuasive letter using the features we have learnt all about should children wear school uniform or not!
In Geography we looked at the country Japan and its human and physical features. We created post cards of the most important physical features, also we learnt to speak some Japanese as well! The children were really interested in this topic and produced some lovely work. The children who were not at Ufton Court created a great fact file about Japan and wrote their names using the Japanese alphabet and symbols. Quite a challenge!
In Art, we have been studying the sculptor Gaudi, who was very creative with clay and mosaic style pieces that can be seen throughout Barcelona in Spain. The children created clay chimneys and have understood the properties of clay.