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Year 2 Highlights
We have all been working hard this half term and have enjoyed learning about lots of new things.
In English, we have been learning all about instructions. We followed a recipe to make a Victoria sponge cake and we had to read and follow each step carefully. We couldn’t wait to try it and it was definitely worth the wait because it was delicious!
We then went on to learn about imperative verbs, prepositions, and time words to help us write our own set of instructions. We are hoping to make bird feeders and take them to the woods for the local birds.
In Maths, we’ve been covering some quite tricky concepts. We have been learning about multiplication using grouping and arrays as well as division using sharing and grouping. Miss Höke let us use counters to help make arrays and showed us that numbers can be multiplied in any order and you get the same answer.
We have also started telling the time to the nearest five minutes. To help us with this we counted around the clocks in fives and practiced our five times table. Make sure you ask me the time at home so I can keep practicing.
This half term in science our topic has been animals including humans. We have learnt about how some animals give birth to live young and how some lay eggs. We looked at the stages of a human’s life and thought about all the different things we can do at each stage. Mrs Barnett taught us all about the importance of a healthy balanced diet and we have created an amazing food pyramid that is going to go up in our lunch hall for everyone to see.
We have been exploring the work of Giorgio Morandi in art this half term. We have looked at some of his still life works and discussed what we like and didn’t like, thinking about the colours, shadows and the composition of the items. We have also had fun exploring mixing colours and using our knowledge from Year 1 to help us create different shades, tones and tints.
Design and Technology
How many different towers can you name? We have been looking at tower structures from around the world and those that are local to us. We have explored what they are made from and how they have been put together. We have designed and made our own towers and Miss Höke tested them with a hair dryer to see whose was the strongest.