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Highlights from Year 4
It has been a wonderful and exciting term for the Year 4 class! We have covered so many interesting topics this term, gone on a school trip in our local community and had our Year 4 sharing assembly to our parents. It was wonderful to be able to share all our learning on school premises!
For our 11B411 10 good deeds week, Year 4 collected food for our local café. Thank you for every single donation that we received! Dee Caf turns into a community fridge on Wednesdays that help families in need.
Please click the link to know more - https:// www.deecaf.co.uk/
We were greeted by a lovely lady Tina that welcomed the Year 4 in and explained what she does to help the community. She showed us her kitchen where she prepares food and showed us the fresh produce that gets donated to her café. The donated food gets made into hot meals that Tina then serves to the community on days that they might not be able to afford a dinner. We were met by 2 other ladies that helped Tina to pack food bags for families in need. It was wonderful to see that our community care so much about each other. Our trip ended in Tina’s outside community garden where we explored all the types of fresh produce she is also growing in her garden and we were able to touch and smell. We were able to decorate the sidewalk in lovely chalk blossoms to cheer up the local community and were treated with a lovely cup of Hot Chocolate! Thank you, Tina!
In maths, we have been looking at geometric reasoning and number sense. We have looked at a range of angles, identifying the types of angles and finding the degrees using protractors. We expanded our math knowledge on angles, quadrilaterals and types of triangles and we looked closely at each of their features. Year 4 enjoyed using mirrors to find line of symmetry on their 2D shapes and explaining why each of these shapes had even or uneven lines of symmetry!
There has been progress in our timetables results. Keep going Year 4! Please continue to practice daily on our favourite site - https:// ttrockstars.com/
Reminder that our timetables quizzes are on Fridays.
We have been looking at Narrative and Instruction text this term. There have been exciting Narrative stories written about mythical creatures and evil kings that connects to our class reader – Greek Myths! Year 4 have done an excellent job in adding a great amount of dialogue and suspense, great descriptive writing and not to mention the fantastic cliffhangers too! I cannot wait to read the next chapters! Our Instruction text, we looked at features like rhetorical questions, and imperative verbs to help with our Instruction writing. Year 4 produced some fantastic Instruction on “How to keep Santa Happy’’. Well done everyone!
Our favourite topic this term was, Animals Including Humans! We investigated a range of topics within. First, we explored omnivores, carnivores and herbivores, and categorised different animals with their diets. We then started to look at teeth and what types of teeth belong to different animals linking them to their specific diet. We also had so much fun counting and identifying our own teeth using mirrors! The digestive system was a complex but most interesting lesson about how each of our digestive systems work. Year 4 had a great time designing and labelling their posters and sharing their interesting facts. Did you know? Your small intestine is 3 times the size of your body and an adult’s small intestine can be up to 7m long! Interesting right?
We found ourselves in Greece this term, comparing Sparta and Athens and debating which were the best cities to live in. This sparked great debates in the classroom. We covered the types of governments that were ruled by the Ancient Greeks and decided that the democracy government was the fairest government of them all. We looked closely at the daily lives of a Greek and Year 4 have done a brilliant job bringing this alive in their pot designs. Have a look!
There has been quite a few missing jumpers, bottles, and PE kits. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly marked to avoid any misplacing. Please feel free to speak to me or you can email [email protected] if you have any questions.