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Highlights from Reception
This term's topic has been an exciting one as we have been learning about different celebrations.
The children learnt about Diwali being the festival of light. It was lovely to hear Mrs. Mathur share her experiences of Diwali with us.
We moved on to Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day, where the children creatively decorated poppies and made fireworks.
In literacy we read the story ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ by Mick Inkpen, and the children made shopping lists, birthday cards and invitations. We worked on developing our vocabulary using the book. In addition, the children produced interesting shopping list for Kipper’s birthday. We have worked together to write our list using our phonics knowledge.
In maths, we have been identifying, matching and exploring the composition of numbers 1-5. The children have been writing their number sentences using numicon. We are also working on one more than a given number to 20.
PSED has focused on celebrating our differences. We learned about Nelson Mandela, different houses we live in and how we are all good at different things and that is what makes us special.
Furthermore, the children have been discussing foodstuff that are healthy and unhealthy, and ways in which we can look after our teeth.
The last celebration we have been learning about is Christmas and the children have worked extremely hard at learning songs for our Carol Concert, which we were able to share with our families. Thank you to all our wonderful parents for their support with this.
I would like to wish all our families a very happy Christmas and a happy New Year!!