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Highlights from Year 4
What a great start for the Year 4 this year and on top of that I have been so blessed to be able to see Year 4 through another academic year and I am excited to see more of our children grow and develop in a positive way. A new Liberian, Playground friend and School Councillors have been chosen for this year. Well done to these Students!
In Math's, we have been learning great new concepts. Place value up to 4 digits and money problems using our own play money to work these concepts out. We have also been looking at some 4-digit challenges, this has allowed us to work on our speed and accuracy in our morning arithmetic’s. Keep up the splendid work Year 4. Our focus this year is timetables. Please continue to practice daily on our favourite site. https://ttrockstars.com/ Reminder that our timetables quizzes are on Fridays.
We have been looking at Biographies about Michael Morpurgo, who is our class author and looked at all the features necessary for our write up. We have also been working on Explanation texts and have been looking at Fronted adverbials and technical vocabulary that is links into our text.
We have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Butterfly Lion this term. I am sure everyone wished that they too had a white lion cub as a pet. Please continue to support with Reading at home. By reading to a child daily, they will learn new words every single day. Greater concentration. Regular and consistent reading can help to improve a child's concentration abilities. Furthermore, it will help a child learn to sit still and listen for extended periods of time, which will benefit them in their schooling. A reminder that Reading diaries get marked every Friday. Reminder that our Spelling quizzes are on Fridays.
Our Wider Curriculum has been booming with lots of exciting learning. In Science, the children have been learning how sound travels and where it comes from. We have conducted lots of different experiments and investigations to help us develop our understanding of how sound particles move through the air and vibrate as soon as it hits our ear and travels to our inner ear. We have also looked different instruments and the pitch that they produce. We enjoyed making some noise in class as well as covering noisy shakers with varied materials to see if the sound would still vibrate through them.
In geography, we have been studying the Rainforest. The climate that can be found in these areas to the traditional tribes that have been living there for thousands of years. We closely looked at the water cycle in the rainforest and we enjoyed working in groups to carefully design our posters on the water cycle and explaining the steps in assembly.
William Morris has inspired us this term in Art, we have taken several great steps to learn the skills and technique of block printing and the outcomes have been successful. We had fun carving our potatoes to carving our foam boards and creating our own inspired wallpaper designs using natural elements.
World Animal Day was one of our highlights this term, we spent the day talking about why we celebrate World Animal Day and how people across the globe protect our animals and how to raise awareness to help support. We ended our day with fantastic artist skills, drawing Tigers and using oil pastels to blend our colours. We have displayed our amazing art in our shared area!
There has been quite a few missing jumpers, bottles, and PE kits. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly marked to avoid any misplacing. Please feel free to speak to me or you can email [email protected] if you have any questions.