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Highlights from Year 2
Year 2 have had a great start to the new academic year. We are enjoying being back at school and being able to play and mix with all our friends. We’re beginning to settle into the new classroom routines and expectations for year 2 and have worked hard to win the attendance award.
In English we started the term by learning about our class author Oliver Jeffers. We have read lots of his books and researched about him to help us write our biographies. Did you know he was born in Australia and now lives in New York? We have also been enjoying listening to lots of traditional tales and joining in with the familiar phrases. We have written our own versions of traditional tale trying hard to include adjectives and adverbs to make our stories more interesting.
We have been working really hard in Maths and began the year by learning and recapping place value and can now write numbers over 100. During our addition and subtraction unit of work we have been learning to use lots of resources to help us such as number lines and dienes. We have started to use the column method to add two two-digit numbers.
Science has been exciting this term, we have been studying and learning all about living things and their habitats. We have searched for mini beasts and have even made our own microhabitats. This linked well when we celebrated World Animal day where we watched some live web cameras of different animals in San Diego Zoo. Miss Höke liked the penguins best!
During Art we have been studying Rembrant and thinking about how he used tone and shading to help his portraits come to life. We have learnt how to proportion facial features and how to add more pressure to our pencil when we want to create a darker tone. We have also drawn our own portraits of our classmates.