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Autumn Term Highlights from Year 5
As you will know, I have taken over the teaching of the Year 5 class in recent weeks. During that time, I have been very impressed with the attitude, abilities and application of the pupils in the class. They have great personalities and are eager to try their best. I fully understand this has been a difficult time for them but they have coped very well with the changes and I have really enjoyed teaching them. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during this time.
In terms of the curriculum, we’ve covered a wide range of subject areas over the last few weeks. In maths, we have been looking at and working with a wide range of fraction calculations. This has required the children to know and use their times tables frequently- skills which are vital in all areas of maths. There are lots of resources that children can use at home to help them with this, so if you need help, please do ask me. They have also been refining their mental arithmetic skills and I have been very impressed with their quick recall of facts and calculation methods.
In literacy, we have been looking at explanation texts. The children have been looking at the purpose of writing and have analysed words, sentence structure and paragraph formation. Out text has focused on the solar system and in particular, the formation of stars. The children have asked lots of questions around this and are fully prepared for their future topic on the subject in an upcoming science unit later on in the year!
In reading, the children have been reading a book called ‘Farther’. Well, I say “read”, but this text was a picture book and required the children to really use their imagination and inference skills when interpreting the meaning behind the illustrations. The children have shared some excellent ideas around this book and I have been really impressed by their comprehension skills as well as their enthusiasm for what is a very complex and abstract text.
With the wider curriculum, we’ve learnt about The Tudors in history, looked at Judaism in RE and begun to talk about possible careers in PSHE.
I have really enjoyed teaching the children over the last few weeks. They have worked really hard to improve in all areas of the curriculum and have been ready, respectful and safe.
I’d like to wish the Year 5 pupils and their families a very happy two weeks off and if you celebrate it, Happy Christmas!