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Autumn Term Highlights from Year 3
This term in maths year 3 have been working so hard learning their 3- and 4-times tables. We have been learning how to divide by grouping and sharing equally, using number lines and column methods for adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers and consolidating our knowledge of place value to 3 digits. All the children completed their maths assessment at the end of November and results were pleasing to see.
Writing and History
Writing genres we have studied include biographies, narratives, recounts and explanation texts.
Writing a recount was meaningful as we based this on the stone age day we had in class in November. All children enjoyed taking part in the day and we saw some fantastic costumes!
We heard the story of Stone Age Boy, completed maths with stones, we completed a stone age comic strip about being chased by a sabre tooth tiger, tasted a variety of berries, even sour cranberries! We made clay pots and huddled in our own homemade cave which was a tight fit!
All these memories the children were able to write confidently about detailing their activities and personal reflections. It was also a lovely way to consolidate all of our learning about the Stone Age.
In science we have learnt about forces. Children conducted investigations using magnets. Firstly, predicting and then testing how many paperclips the magnets could attract.
Another investigation was finding out how the earth is magnetic and testing this using a pin rubbed against a magnet and watching it then to north when placed on a cork in water. This was tested against a magnet, and it did indeed turn to face north!
Art and Design
In art we have been studying Picasso and cubism. We have been using collage to make our own pictures. Children were able to work with paper, card, newspaper, magazines and fabrics to create their masterpieces.
Design Technology
In DT we have look at pop up books and their different features. All children were quickly engaged in every lesson and so keen to share their work. In our last lesson we made a year 3 book aimed at reception aged children about wellbeing. The photo is a picture of some pop- up cards children made for people they love.
Trip to the Woods
At the end of half term, we walked to the local woods for some fresh and a game of hide and seek. It was great to explore the local area together.
We almost lost Saffa to the mud, but we managed to pull her out!