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Autumn Term Highlights from Year 2
This term we have read the books Gorilla by Antony Browne and The Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary and used our retrieval skills to find out lots of information in the texts.
This term we have analysed, planned, and written a biography of Anthony Browne, a narrative of James and the Giant Peach, a recount of our House Competition and an explanation of The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Children have used language lines to expand their vocabulary and cloze procedures to recreate texts.
In maths we began by focusing on place value. We spent a lot of time adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. We have been using our number bonds to ten. In multiplication we have been learning our ten times tables facts and related division facts. We are finishing off the term learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
Our focus this term has been about materials and their properties. We have observed and tested different materials for different purposes including best materials for making a playground toy and for building a playhouse.
We have been learning about our local area. We have learnt about historical places and why they are important, trade past and present, trade routes in and out of Reading and how they have changed over time and significant historical figures from Reading. We were very surprised to find out that Reading was once home to the largest biscuit factory in the world!
We have been learning about Europe and what you might find in Europe. We have been using globes and Atlases to locate places and have used the internet to research what you might see if you travelled the continent.
This term we have studied two units of work. What Sanatanis might learn form the story of Rama and Sita and the celebration of Diwali. We studied the story of Rama and Sita and how good overcomes evil. We drew and designed our own Rangoli patterns as part of a Diwali celebration. We have been thinking about the creation story and how Shabbat is important to Jewish children. We were pleased to hear that on Shabbat Jewish children are not allowed to do any work including homework.
Art and Design
In art we have been focusing on portraits. We have looked at the portraits by many famous artists including Rembrandt. We have looked at proportion and how light and colour can be used for effect and to create a 3D picture. We have experimented with tones, tints and shades and produced our own portrait.
We have learnt that IT is all around us and how it communicates with each other. We practised being tills and realised that IT really is clever and quicker than us! We have also been learning about digital photography. WE know how to take a good photo and have practised using portrait and landscape views, light and editing our photos to improve them using editing software.
In DT we have studied different towers and used our knowledge of what makes a good tower to design and build the Eiffel Tower and the Water Tower in Tilehurst. We then evaluated out towers to see which was best. We looked at the height, stability and strength of each of our towers over time and suggested improvements that could be made to them.
We have learnt two songs this term and learnt to play notes G, A and B on the recorder. We especially enjoyed the Christmas song Ho, Ho, Ho with a short rap in and enjoyed playing our recorders along to the backing track.
We have been thinking about our own feelings and the feelings of others. We have thought about what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend. We thought of things we can do to make ourselves feel better if there is no one around to help us. We had a go at some mindfulness yoga. We have learnt to resolve conflict and learnt to explain how we feel and forgive others.