Summer Term Highlights from Year 4

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23rd Jul 2024


In writing, we explored various types of non- chronological texts and their features to create our own. Year 4 wrote excellent non-chronological reports, incorporating subheadings, third-person writing, fact boxes, and technical vocabulary in their reports about the Portia Spider. We also wrote a recount of our outing to Wilson Primary for the cricket festival.


In Maths, we have completed our MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) assessments. I'm pleased to say there was a lot of progress in our multiplication recall, and our good results are proof of all their hard work. We have enjoyed studying units on time, shape, statistics, and position and direction.


In Science, we have been learning about the human digestive system and food chains. We discussed why omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores have different teeth. We conducted experiments with boiled eggs to observe how different liquids affect tooth enamel. We labelled the digestive system and explained the roles of each part. Additionally, we had a demonstration of how the digestive system works using a mashed banana, vinegar, tights, and water.


We have been learning about the Vikings. Now, we understand where they came from and why they invaded Britain. Using various sources, we explored their everyday life and discovered that they were not just brutal warriors, and contrary to popular belief, they did not wear helmets with horns!


In Geography, our focus has been on Barcelona, Spain. We discussed its location, modes of travel to get there, researched famous landmarks, compared its climate with that of the UK, and delved into Spanish traditions and culture.


In Art, we have been busy with sewing. Inspired by designer Vivienne Westwood, we created bags embellished with various decorations. Initially challenging, we have now become experts at stitching. Additionally, we studied the works of Claude Monet and other Impressionists. Using acrylic paint, we recreated our own Monet-inspired picture of the Houses of Parliament.

DT (Design and Technology)

In DT, we learned about early doorbells and the invention of the buzzer. After studying modern-day electronic games, we designed and created our own electronic buzzer game. We enjoyed sharing these with our families when we invited them to play.

RE (Religious Education)

In RE, we have been exploring Sikhism and Islam. Our focus has been on understanding what it means to live a good life and the practices that Sikhs and Muslims undertake to achieve this. We have reflected on how these teachings relate to our own lives and what we can do to lead a good life.


In Spanish, we have been learning about the classroom and the cafeteria. We can now describe what we have and do not have in our backpacks or pencil cases, and order various foods and drinks from a café.