Summer Term Highlights from Year 3

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22nd Jul 2024

It has been a busy term in Year 3. We have covered a range of topics from Plants to Ancient Egypt. The children have particularly enjoyed engaging in hands- on activities related to each subject. Here are some of Year 3's highlights this term:

We have been reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ during our reading lessons. The children have loved exploring the characters and predicting the words that Charlotte will weave next into her web. We have used our imagination to see the world from the characters' perspectives in the story. With just a week to go before the summer break, we are eager to finish the book to see if our predictions for the ending were accurate.

In writing this term, we have explored non- chronological reports about animals, a letter of complaint, a newspaper report, and play scripts. The children enjoyed researching their chosen animals to write their own reports. They impressed me with a variety of ideas and reasons for complaining about something, using a diverse range of vocabulary both verbally and in their written complaints. I hope I never get on the wrong side of Year 3!

Maths has been quite a challenge this term as we focused closely on time. Year 3 students have shown great resilience while learning about weeks, months, and years, including leap years. We spent a significant amount of time practicing telling time to the nearest minute and calculating the duration of events or activities. Additionally, we have been diligently working on our daily times table challenge to prepare for the MTC test in Year 4. I'm confident they will excel!

In our wider curriculum subjects, we embarked on exciting projects such as building a fully functional toy car in Design and Technology. The children explored the achievements of Henry Ford and then designed and built their own cars as a final project. I'm sure you'll agree they did an excellent job!

In Science, we delved into the world of plants by planting our own sunflowers, dissecting plants, and learning about plant dispersal. The topic 'Shakes and Quakes' in Geography has also captivated us this term. We even created our own seismographs to understand how earthquakes are measured.

Our favourite subject this term has been Spanish! We learned how to ask for our favourite ice cream flavours in Spanish, and I hope the children get the chance to use their new language skills over the summer.

Thank you to all the parents who joined us for Diversity Week. Year 3 worked extremely hard on their art pieces, and they were very proud to show them off to everyone. I'm sure you'll agree that their final drawings were outstanding; they should be very proud of themselves for their efforts.

I am excited to see Year 3 flourish as they move into Year 4 and explore new learning together. Have a wonderful summer break and stay safe.

Thank you, Year 3, you are amazing!!!