Summer Term Highlights from Year 1

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19th Jul 2024

What a fantastic year this has been in Year 1. The effort that the children have put in has been outstanding, and they have all worked incredibly hard.

Let’s start our journey through the summer term:


This term in Art, we were inspired by William De Morgan. We focused on teaching pupils to shape and decorate dough to make a tile. This activity emphasised practical skills in working with salt dough. The children showed good control and coordination throughout the process. Here is some of our fabulous art in action.


In English, the children created their own non- chronological reports based on animals of their choice. They enjoyed researching their chosen animal and then used their knowledge to write their own non-chronological reports. They really enjoyed this unit and were very proud of the final outcomes.


This term in Maths, we have been learning about positions and directions as well as place value within 100. We focused on partitioning into tens and ones, identifying 1 more and 1 less, and using the number line up to 100.


In Geography, our focused topic was “Whirling Weather”. As geographers, we recognised the role of meteorologists, understood how weather and temperature change with the seasons, and learned why some locations are hotter than others. We learnt to use compass points, measured the weekly weather, and created a “weather book”.

Furthermore, we role-played being a weather reporter.

DT (Design and Technology)

In DT, the children used different materials like foil and felt to make umbrellas, testing which material would be most suitable for rain.


The Rosen class children produced excellent work showing great understanding of the adaptations of animals and plants in Science.

Well done to all the children in Year 1. I wish you a very restful and relaxing summer break and a great start to Year 2.