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Spring Term Highlights from Year 4
In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division, length and perimeter, fractions and decimals.
Please continue to practice your times tables on https://ttrockstars.com/
Another great website to practice for our MTC is on www.urbrainy.com
We have been looking at description text, balanced argument texts, descriptive poetry and newspaper article texts this term. These texts have brought a lot of discussion about who had the best description of their haunted house, the question ‘should animals be kept in zoos’, a descriptive stroll through a rainforest poem. We looked at key features such as personification, adjectives, similes, expanded noun phrases, rhyming couplets and rhetorical questions in preparation for our writing.
‘Grouping and classifying living things, Electricity and Energy’ have been our focus topics for science this term. Looking at different animals and grouping them according to their characteristics. This sparked up some great investigation on a wider species group which helped build our world knowledge about the animal kingdom. We investigated vertebrates and invertebrates and found animals with and without backbones. This was fun! In electricity we built circuits and tested different materials to see if they were conductors or insulators. In our study of energy we thought about being more eco friendly with our use of electricity and designed a more eco friendly classroom.
Vivienne Westwood has inspired us to become great fashion designers this term. We looked closely at types of stitching, tones and textures. We found that the world of fashion is vast and forever evolving. We were able to explore our own creativity in designing our own clothes, deciding what colour would suit better, thinking about tones and types of materials. We continue to think what types of skills would be necessary to sew our designs. In our most recent art lesson, we used our practical skills to create our own sewing designs using needles and thread. Watch out Ranikhet! Designers in the making!
Learning Spanish this term also meant lots of giggles and tongue twisters! We had to practice good memory skills and concentration remembering our Spanish words and phrases! Our unit was ‘La Familia’ which means ‘The Family’. We have learnt how pronounce our family members in Spanish as well going around in class asking questions like “Tienes un hermano?” or “Tienes una hermana?” (Asking if we have you have a brother or a sister)
Design Technology
We have been working together to design an Easter quilt. First we investigated different shapes to see which tessellated to make a quilt then we practiced cutting out our own squares of material, sewing them together and then stuffing them. We have sewn our designs together to make a small quilt.
We have been finding out all about volcanoes. We used maps to find out where volcanoes are in the world and locate them. We have investigated tectonic plates and even found the ring of fire. We enjoyed watching videos of volcanoes erupting.
We have been learning about the Anglo Saxons and using evidence from archaeologists to make our own discoveries about the past.