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Spring Term Highlights from Year 2
We have had very busy term in Year 2 and all of the children have been working hard and trying to show the best version of themselves every day. We have welcomed new students this term, invited our parents for Magic Breakfast and celebrated World Book Day and Red Nose Day. Year 2 have continues to show persistence and dedication throughout the term and have made great progress in all of their subjects. Keep it up!
In English, we have looked at a wide variety of texts. We looked at a description text describing the character of ‘The Gruffalo’, children have used great examples of adjectives to describe their own characters. We moved on to narrative writing and linked our class reader, ‘Hodgeheg’, which we are currently enjoy reading. Max is a curious hedgehog that takes on a brave task to cross the street. Max, who ends bumping his head and scrambles up his words realises that road safety is important. Children in Year 2 have written interesting stories about his endeavours and misfortune he encounters whilst crossing the street.
This term we have been learning all about measurements and multiplication facts. We have worked hard to measure length, mass, volume and capacity. We now know that reading a scale is very similar to reading a number line but it’s important to check what the intervals are counting in which really helped us knowing all our multiples of 2 and 5. Our favourite parts were measuring the hall and other objects in school to determine their length.
Our topic, ‘We are photographers’ - has been super exciting, which links in with our Science topic, learning about plants. Firstly, we looked at pictures of plants and flowers and discussed them explaining why we liked a particular one. We also explored some new vocabulary like ‘blurred’ and ‘in focus’ and what that means when taking photos. We are now busy experimenting how to take pictures using the iPad and what the buttons do and then editing a picture, changing the colours and brightness.
This term we have been learning all about plants and Mrs. Stark was amazed at who much we knew already. We have carried out an experiment to see what environments plants need to grow. We planted a bean seed in soil, we put one planted seed in the cupboard without sunlight and one by the window to see if this will affect how they grow. After a couple of weeks, we were very curious to see how our plants have progressed and drew our observations. We found that the plant with sunlight grew healthily and measured 60cm in length and the plant in the cupboard was bleak in colour and only grew 40cm. So far, we have concluded that we are much like plants and we need sunlight, water and air to stay healthy to grow.
What makes an extraordinary explorer? Is it someone that sailed the seas for 72 days and became the first person to find America or is it someone that went into space and walked on the moon? We loved learning about Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, learning about their amazing lives and the importance they had to the world over time.