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Spring Term Highlights from Reception
In Spring 1, our topic of learning was ‘Everyday Superheroes’. The children learnt about safety and the people who help to keep us safe like: police, firefighters, dentists and doctors. We looked at different jobs that our grown-ups do within our family and community and talked about what we would like to be when we grow- up and the importance of school/learning related to those jobs.
In Literacy, we had an unexpected intruder in our classroom and looked for clues as to who it might have been. We donned our Police uniforms and grabbed our magnifying glasses to hunt for clues and found green handprints and powdered snow in several places and concluded it was The Grinch! We wrote simple sentences stating our conclusion and re-read them to our friends.
In Maths, we explored height, length and time. We revisited vocabulary long, tall and short and learned how to compare by lining up objects. With time, we looked at night and day and seasons. We talked about what is happening tomorrow, next week or at the weekend and ordered and sequenced simple events.
In Spring 2, our topic of learning was ‘We’re on the Move’. We looked at different modes of transport and which are the best to use over land and sea.
In Literacy, we have journeyed to different places on a naughty bus, sank a boat, flew around the world by aeroplane, on foot through different terrain and to a fantasy world by magic carpet and thought what it would be like to visit outer Space!
In Maths, we practiced subitising to 5, linking number with value, number bonds and doubles to 10. We practiced counting accurately reciting and 1:1 correspondence, counting verbally beyond 10, compared numbers using mathematical language, 1 more/less.