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Spring Term Highlights from Nursery
In Spring 1, Nursey topic focus was ‘Everyday Superheroes’. We started by looking at choices that we make every day and talked about making good choices and wrong choices and how any choice we make has a consequence. We then talked about how we can keep ourselves safe and the kinds of jobs grown-ups do to help keep us safe like the police, teachers, firefighters, dentists, doctors and vets.
Our role-play area was turned into a dentist’s office, a doctor’s surgery and a vet hospital and we had loads of fun playing being customers and the people who help us.
In Expressive Art, we painted with herb brushes that we made from our plants in our Sensory Garden and mixed paints to make different colours.
In Maths, we learned all about numbers 1, 2 and 3 and the value of those numbers. We sang Nursery songs like 5 Little Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Ducks, 5 Currant Buns and 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive to help us learn about numbers.
In Spring 2, our focus topic was ‘We’re on the Move’. We looked at different modes of transport and which are the best to use over land and sea.
In Literacy, we have taken a journey on a bus to Market Street, looked for lost property at the train station, been on our plane ride and journeyed to outer space with a teddy bear and an owl! It has been great fun acting out these scenarios in our role-play areas inside and outside.
In Maths, we have been revisiting numbers 1 to 5, recognising, counting and subitising. We have been looking at measurement, learning how to use balance scales, looking at height and length and comparing objects to say which is longest, shortest or tallest. We have been looking at capacity, leaning about full, half full and empty.