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Autumn Term Highlights from Reception
Our topic this term has been “My World and Celebrations”. Reception has enjoyed learning about their Birthdays, Weddings, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Hannukah and Christmas!
This term was full of very exciting things, but one of the most exciting was the guinea pigs’ birthdays! We read stories about birthday celebrations around the world and used what we had learnt to plan a party for Snow and Patch! We used our phonics knowledge to write party shopping lists, and used our writing, drawing and maths skills to make 3rd birthday cards for the Guinea pigs! We wrapped presents and played traditional party games.
We had lots of fun making glittery firework pictures, snowmen Christmas cards and salt dough Christmas tree ornaments. We learnt that we could mix colours together to make a brand new colour.
In Maths, we have been learning about identifying and representing numbers 1-5. This week we have been learning about one more and one less. The children loved finding new ways to represent numbers. We have used our maths skills to label Hanukkah candles, sort and group items, and create repeated pattern scarves.
In PSHE, we have been celebrating our differences. We have been thinking about the things we are good at and enjoy doing, looking at our families and the houses we live in. We have been discussing how we are all different but that makes us all special, unique and worth celebrating. We have also been working on using language to describe our emotions, and the emotions of others.
We all had lots of fun practicing and performing in our Christmas Carol Concert. The children sang beautifully to their loved ones, and we had a wonderful time performing. Thank you to all the parents for their support with this. Mrs Mathur and I could not be prouder!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and a very happy new year