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Highlights from Year 3
Wow, what an incredible and busy summer term we are having! Year 3 have been fantastic, and it is really clear to see how far they have all come and the progress they have made, they should all be very proud of themselves!
In Maths, we have been focusing on fractions and time and I have been so impressed by the resilience and commitment to their learning over these two topics. We have also looked more at 2D shapes and perimeter. We have reminded ourselves of the names of 5-,6-,7- and 8-sided shapes and compared different polygons. We have then drawn a selection of different shapes and calculated their perimeter. We were even able to make the most of the nice weather and do some of our learning on the playground!
In English we have written letters of complaint and non- chronological reports. A big focus in both of these units has been vocabulary and we have spent more time this term practicing our oracy skills. Talking to each other and to the class, sharing our ideas and generating brilliant classroom discussions. As always, everyone has had great success in becoming effective, independent writers.
In Science, we’ve studied forces with a focus on push and pull. To test friction, we compared different surfaces and how they affected the force needed to move an object. We tested in the classroom and on the playground, using force meters to record our measurements in newtons.
In Geography, we explored deserts. We compared differences and similarities between hot and cold deserts. And explored life that survives in each. Finally, we reminded ourselves about lines of latitude and longitude and how they affect the climate.