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Highlights from Reception
In Reception we enjoyed learning the story Monkey Puzzle. We acted out the story and explored how the monkey feels at the beginning of the story. We used the words like confused, lonely, puzzled and anxious. In addition, the children have written some sentences. Have a look at our writing!
In Maths, we have been learning about doubling, and odd and even numbers. The children have got a good grasp of odd and even numbers and have been making odd monster pictures. Have you ever seen a monster with 3 eyes and 5 legs? Every day we recap all our number bonds to 5 and some to 10 to ensure we have them glued in our heads. Thank you to all the parents who are helping their child complete the Maths Challenge each week.
It was lovely to see so many parents attend our ‘Dad and Donuts Day’. The children had lot of fun presenting their special songs and having some quality time together.
In PSHE, the children have been looking at our bodies and learning about being healthy. This includes eating, exercise, being happy and exercise.
We are looking forward to our Sports Festival next week!