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Highlights from Year 3
In Writing, we have focused on the skills to write a recount and a narrative.
In keeping with the theme of Ancient Egypt, the children explored a descriptive WAGOLL on the process of mummification. After practicing the skills of using prepositions, past tense, present perfect tense, and fronted adverbials the children had a go at writing their own.
The narrative WAGOLL was about a boy who visited a pyramid in ancient Egypt only to be confronted by a mummy!
Thank you for helping your children to practice their spellings at home. It is wonderful to give out so many rewards for the children’s effort and achievement with these each week.
Our class text this half term has been the Iron Man and there has been some wonderful vocabulary to explore in context.
This book has also presented some excellent points for discussion including questions around the morality of the way the farmers treat the Iron Man throughout the story.
Please keep listening to your children read at home. In school, we can see how their fluency and understanding is improving as they are exposed to more and more stories and texts.
In Maths, we have explored the relationship between different times tables. For example, to times a number by 4, you can either count in fours or times by two and then times by two again.
The children practiced applying two-step methods to multiple times tables including x5 (x10 and ÷2), x 20 (x10 and x2), and x 8 (x4 and x2).
This can initially seem more complex than simply counting in the given times table, however, by exploring the different ways to find the same total, the children are developing a more secure understanding of a range of strategies to find answers most efficiently.
Please keep practicing number bonds and times tables at home with your children, as a secure understanding of these number facts lay the foundations for a huge part of the Maths curriculum.
In History, we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians and their way of life approximately 4000 years ago.
It has been lots of fun to learn about the process of mummification and think about what it might be like to mummify a Pharaoh!
We have looked at a range of images and texts to understand where Egypt is in the world and recognise the similarities and contrasts between the way people live today, in comparison to the time of the Pharaohs.
We have learnt about hieroglyphics, farming practices along the river Nile, and the importance of cats to the ancient Egyptian people.
Our Topic for this half term in RE has been ‘Did God intend for Jesus to be crucified?’
We have learnt about the miracles Christian’s believe Jesus did, the different reasons some people go to church and what a Christian place of worship might look like.
With finished the term with our performance for ‘The Three Trees’. This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all of our children and a lovely way to end such a busy term. Thank you to all the parents, it was wonderful to see so many of you supporting your children.
Back in Autumn 2, Year 3 won the attendance challenge for the second time in a row. Their prize was pizza making at Dee Café, it took a little time to arrange, but we finally enjoyed our treat and made some delicious veggie pizzas! After learning how to make pizza dough from scratch, we then decorated them with a variety of colorful and healthy toppings, devouring them once we got back to school! A huge thank you to Tina for allowing this to happen, and a bigger thank you to Year 3 families for ensuring your children are in school!