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Highlights from Year 6
This term has flown by! Year 6 have been very busy! In English, we have been inspired by our topic ‘Extreme Earth’ to write a narrative about scientists escaping from an erupting volcano and written non- chronological reports about tsunamis. In Maths, we have learnt how to convert imperial and metric units of measurement, how to use ratio to solve problems and started building our knowledge of algebra.
In our topic ‘Extreme Earth’, we have learnt about different extreme forms of weather around the world and what causes some natural disasters. We know that volcanos and earthquakes are often located on the ‘Ring of Fire’. We have also looked at how we can classify living things, including micro-organisms, building on what we learnt in Year 4. Every week, we also still catch up with our mentors from Reading School.
This half term, we celebrated Safer Internet Day, which is linked to our PSHE topic. We looked at what to do to keep ourselves safe in a range of different situations we might face, including a pop-up advert or in-app purchase. This comic, which was turned into a poem, shows the situation. The Year 6 children also had a fantastic time being role models and helping Adrian Patrick for Team Super Schools. Lastly, we have celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week and Move Outside. We created a paper chain representing ourselves and the people we trust. This showed us how we are connected.
Thank you for your entries into the Move Outside Photo Competition and for coming to our gallery on Friday. I am sure you will agree: they are amazing!