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Highlights from Reception
This term we have had lots of fun exploring traditional and modern tales. Our favourite was ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children enjoyed acting out as different characters from the story and using the story map to retell.
On the creative table we made houses using different materials such as bricks, straw and sticks. We investigated to see which material would make the strongest house. We all agreed that the straw house was the weakest.
In Maths we have been learning about the numbers 6,7 and 8. The children have been using numicon to make these numbers. We have continued practicing our number bonds of 5. We have also been learning about comparing length and height.
We had lots of fun outdoors too! We have been using chalk to write tricky words and practice forming our letters and numbers correctly. We discovered that we could make our very own ‘hopscotch’. Lots of mud pies and mud cakes have been prepared in the mud kitchen and children have been using words to describe them.
‘This pie is muddy and sticky’ - Beatrice.
‘My soup has worms and slippery eyeballs’ - Aisha.
Lots of children have been using their balancing skills to walk on cup stilts. It was challenging at first, but the children persevered with resilience.
In PSHE, the children have been thinking about our dreams and goals. The children enjoyed looking at different occupations and talking about what they would like to be when they are older. We got a rocket and closed our eyes and whizzed to the future and then whizzed back again, reiterating the importance of trying our best at school and not giving up.