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Highlights from Year 6
Autumn 2 has been very busy for the Year 6 children! We have been very busy in maths; Tiny the Maths Tortoise has joined us and has been helping Year 6 talk about the misconceptions and errors in their work. We have been challenging ourselves by calculating with fractions and using fractions to solve a range of problems. In Writing, the children had fun writing instructions for me on how to survive teaching Year 6 having read instructions from me. The children had some brilliant ideas and certainly made me smile with their humour!
In Science, we have learnt about the human body. We have focused on the job the heart, lungs and blood does in our human body and how these organs transport nutrients and oxygen. We have linked this to the PSHE lessons this half term all about keeping ourselves mentally and physically healthy. In History, we have learnt about what life would be like for a Victorian child; we definitely prefer school now to what it would have been then! Not only did we look at a range of sources to analyse what it would have been like, but we also discussed their reliability and credibility. Our reading book, Street Child, also showed us what life could be like.
We have also been busy in other wider curriculum subjects. In Music, we have listened to, appraised and composed our own jazz music. We enjoyed listening to improvisations before trying our own. Additionally, we got ahead in Spanish and learnt some of the vocabulary we can use to talk about our weekend – more on this in Spring term!
We have also enjoyed some special days and activities this half term! We visited the Reception children as part of our 10 good deeds to read to them, which we thoroughly enjoyed and hope they did too! We also represent Ranikhet at the football festival. We practiced skills, played games and made sure we showed sportsmanship throughout.