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Highlights from Year 3
Year 3 have had a fabulous half term, jam-packed with lots of new learning across our curriculum. Yet again, Year 3 have worked hard to be their best versions and therefore have made great progress towards their end of year targets. Keep it up!
In Writing, our focused topics have been news report and letter writing, using our class reading book, Stig of the Dump, as our inspiration. Everyone wrote fantastic news reports about a strange creature seen lurking near the dump, including witness statements to back up their stories! We then wrote letters to Stig as we were a bit concerned that living at the Dump might be a bit too smelly, to offer him our help to spruce up his home! As always, everyone has worked incredibly hard and have produced incredible work.
In Maths, we have spent time furthering our understanding of our multiplication tables and how to use these while completing math’s problems. Everyone is feeling much more confident with their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables now and making progress to solve multi-step problems.
Our History topic this half term has been the Stone Age and Iron Civilization. We have learnt about this topic but completing number lines, recreating and making traditional clothing and taking part in our own archaeological dig. We explored the Bronze, Iron and Stone Age and learnt what defined these eras. We tried to imagine what it would be like living in these times and completed a ‘day in the life of’ to make comparisons between now and then.
In Science, we have been learning more about animals including humans, focusing on a balanced diet including the main food groups and what animals needs to survive. As well as creating menus for different dietary requirements, Year 3 have also collected data about what pets eat and displayed their findings in a pictogram.
As you will know, Year 3 won the attendance awards last term. Therefore, they enjoyed a movie, pop-corn and pajama afternoon. The class voted to watch Monsters Inc and as a class, we enjoyed an afternoon of fun. We have been working extremely hard to continue to improve on our attendance this term as we are determined to win again! We will all be crossing our fingers for this end of term results! You are all making great efforts to come to school everyday so well done and keep it up!