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Highlights from Reception
This term we have been on the topic of “My World & Celebrations”. The children have enjoyed learning about Bonfire Night, Diwali, Christmas, and birthdays.
The children loved learning the story Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen. We all used our phonic knowledge to write party shopping lists for Kipper’s birthday. We were pleasantly surprised when we received a letter from Kipper asking for some help with writing party invitations. We learnt lots of new vocabulary through this book too. Following on from all the talk about party food, we talked about healthy eating and how it is important to have a balanced diet. Did you know that sleep plays a big part in being healthy! Miss Shepherd had lots of food items that we had to sort into healthy and unhealthy, and things that we could have a little, sometimes, like cupcakes!
In Maths, we have been learning about identifying and representing numbers 1-5. This week we have been learning about one more and one less, and things we do in the day and night. The children have also been busy making their own number stories to illustrate one more and one less.
We have had lots of fun making firework pictures, snowmen Christmas cards and toilet tube Christmas trees. We had to think carefully about what colours we would use and how we would create different effects on paper. We learnt that glitter sticks to paint and how we can mix colours together to make a new colour.
In PSHE, we have been celebrating our differences. We have been thinking about the things we are good at and enjoy doing, looking at our families and the houses we live in. We have been discussing how we are all different but that makes us all special, unique and worth celebrating.
We all had lots of fun dressing up as a Santa, a reindeer, or a snowman for our Christmas Carol Concert. The children sang beautifully to their loved ones, and we had a fabulous time performing. Thank you to all the parents for their support with this.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!